St. Francis Xavier Parish Foundation

Specific Need

To continue to provide financial support as needed for St. Xavier's parish and school.


The St. Francis Xavier Parish Foundation was established in 1997 by a group of parishioners for the purpose of investing assets to provide supplemental financial support for St. Francis Xavier's school and parish.


Since January 2015, the Foundation has donated a total of over $531,000 to St. Xavier's school and parish. This includes:

     $288,669 for the church building and other parish needs;
     $227,732 for school improvements, new equipment and technological updates; and
     $  15,250 for scholarships awarded to graduating seniors of St. Xavier's High School.

In 2020, the Foundation established a separate Director's Fund to be used as an endowment fund for the school. The intent is to donate 5.5% of that funds's assets each year to the school, and to eventually generate enough earnings within the fund to be able to provide a substantial annual amount for the school budget, with a goal of reducing the need for the parish to subsidize the school.

Updated in October 2023

$10,300.00 received
in 31 gifts


708 Crestview Dr.
Junction City, KS 66441
Phone: (785) 238-3218

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